Monday, December 14, 2009

The Office and more in your home…

Do you remember Pam and Jim’s wedding? Or what about the Princess Unicorn Doll? Have you ever checked out Ryan’s Twitter page? Well if you ever have a couple of hours to kill and you are a fan of the office I suggest on checking it out. You can do anything that the characters to on their website. You can play a “who dun it?” game. You can check out the Subtle Sexuality’s newest pics. You can buy Serenity by Jan products. You can sign the registry from Jim and Pam’s wedding and you check out the emails from Dunder-Mifflin. You can also look at Dunder-Mifflin’s website. Anything that was ever mentioned on the show is on the website. It really bring the show to life and makes you feel like the characters are real as well as the company. You know the company may be real…check out the site and let me know what you think.

Gossip Girl Bring You In…

In today’s society everyone wants “in”. What they want in to is up for discussion but everyone wants in. The Show Gossip Girl is a show about the glamorous lives of the people who are “In” but the catch is that there is a person out there who is writing all about their dirty little secrets on her blog. She is known as Gossip Girl. Keeping up with the theme, the creators of Gossip Girl teamed up with Verizon Wireless to create a way for the audience to get “in” to the show. If you go to the Gossip Girl website ( at the bottom is a box that links you “into” Gossip Girl. Here you can sign up to get the Gossip Girl texts when the characters get them in the show. You can also fill out some basic questions and have Gossip Girl post something about you. While answering the basic questions the website asks for a picture and allows you to connect to Facebook to get the picture and publish to your wall what Gossip Girl says about you. This is a show that brings the audience “in” to the world that they have created for the show.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Radiohead's Social Media Site

Well, I am not a fan of Radiohead, however they did launch their own social media platform,, last year.  They created it with facebook in mind and shares a lot of similarities with myspace and facebook.  The site includes comments, tour dates, photos, national and area events, and merchandise. So, pretty's myspace.  By the way, it's not a good site nor effective.  First off, they do not offer anything different or out of the ordinary social media site.

I can't really explore too much because in order to do so, I would have to make an account...and I really do not want to bother. The site popped up on the internet without warning (very Radiohead-like.) So, yeah...I guess if you're a die hard Radiohead fan, you probably will enjoy it a little. For everyone else, don't bother...seriously.  I guess I'm a little bias...

Just in case you're interested now...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Shop and be styled on line!!!

Social networking sites are increasing everyday. If you're in Advertising, Marketing, or even Public relations it's very important to stay on top of the main social networking sites in your industry. AdAge recently listed the top social fashion sites that every fashion marketer should be familiar with. Among those sites here are the ones I thought to be most interesting: 

Shopflick combines videos and shopping to create an online fashion and shopping experience through a social community. This site portrays a network upcoming designers to provide shoppers the ability to find cutting edge and unique items. Shopflick also helps these designers engage with current and new customers through branded online stores, videos and much more.

Sense of Fashion is the marketplace for fashion designers that are at the very begginging of their career. It has an eBay-like capability for people to sell their fashion, shop or interact in this social network. Fans can showcase their individual styles and favorite brands. The goal is to connect designers with the people who may inspire them and to provide a platform for users to show off and sell their merchandise.

StyleCaster may become the future number one site of online fashion through optimized fashion advice that is targeted to each user. This is the Amazon of fashion sites. With every click of the consumer they get to know their personal preference and taste. This allows StyleCaster to give educated advice and marketing. This site is a mash-up of social network, editorial content and shopping. Another interesting fact is that this site has just been given 4 million in funding.