Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fashion Tweets

Can you influence the world with 140 characters or less? Twitter can. 

Twitter combines social networking and blogging together for entertainment and informational use. While I am not a Twitter fan I certainly see how it benefits a company or a brand to "tweet" about themselves. 

For those that are very much into fashion they choose to "follow" certain companies or brands for the simple reason of staying in the loop and never falling short of knowing everything to know to stay trendy. For example, Lady Gaga...... now her fashion sense may be a little out there for most but in places across Europe, Lady Gaga is a fashion icon. One of the companies that Lady Gaga follows is London Fashion. London Fashion (LDNFashion) tweets about models, launches of new collections, and the people in the entertainment world that are wearing the latest and hottest trends. They serve as fashion news and style advice. Lady Gaga can be seen in many of their "twitpics". 

If you're really into a certain type of category, such as fashion, movies, gaming, etc., my question to you is does following a company really have an affect on you? Think about it...... You're constantly seeing their name, their activity, and the many name droppings they use to get your attention. 

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