Monday, November 23, 2009

Online clothing designer wants you to decide what they should produce.

ModCloth sells dresses, shirts, jackets and skirts that are more complicated to produce. Which is where the virtual buyers come in. As ModCloth explains: "sometimes there are designs that we absolutely adore, but the designer can only put them into production if they make a large quantity. As a small company, it’s difficult for us to make these big inventory commitments without knowing if you will love the designs as much as we do."

There are 61 designs for ModCloth's fans to vote on. They are encouraged to comment on each design, and to share their voting decisions on Facebook and Twitter, turning the voting process into a useful marketing tool for ModCloth.

If a design is taken into production, the customers who voted for it will receive an email notification as soon as it's available, allowing them to be the first to buy it. Winning designs will be for sale a few weeks after voting ends.

While the concept won't work for every retailer or manufacturer, it's definitely one that many could benefit from, both by making customers feel more involved and by taking some of the guesswork out of buying decisions

To participate go to

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